We support your desire to live happier, healthier, and longer by prescribing intelligent movement, effective breathwork, and real food.


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All Movement Prescriptions are Customized to You

I was in a lot of pain when I came to you. Basic movements hurt. Everything used to hurt. Now I don't even think about that kinda stuff. You've given me movement mobility back.


Jamie Neczkar

Member Since 2021

Meet Angie

Twenty years ago I started studying Kinesiology and Psychology. When I started taking personal training clients, I realized quickly that my purpose was to offer guidance and coaching through movement and nutrition.

In 2016, I began developing an online platform for my members to find a community with like-minded people. We offer resources to make any wellness goal manageable to achieve.

Today, we offer multiple online courses, personal training in person and online, and community support to keep you accountable, educated, and inspired to show up every day as your best self even on the hard days when it seems impossible. 


Read My Story





Train exclusively from home with our online members. These founding members have been with Angie at The Pringle Prescription for anywhere from three to fifteen years! This close community support is like no other with members from all over Canada. Each member is working at their own pace on a training program from our library together via community training.


Waitlist for this Program Here



semi-private training membership

Train in person at White Lion Strong Gym in Winnipeg, Manitoba on Mondays & Thursdays every week. This semi-private training program provides a fun social environment for your training and honors your individual goals by providing you with customized programming every session that is continually progressed and varied every 30 days. 


View Both Training Options on Our Store Page




We offer two breathwork memberships, the first is online and the second is offered in person at White Lion Strong Gym in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Our online members meet once per month at 10:30 AM on the last Wednesday of each month. Our in-person members meet once per month at 11 AM on the last Thursday of each month.


View Both Breathwork Options on Our Store Page



Prevent and manage injury while maintaining or gaining strength and bone density. 


Have a progressive training plan every month of the year


Get the one-on-one coaching you need and deserve to succeed